All About Coffee…

Americans who consume specialty coffee drinks are spending, on average, over $400 a year on their foamy creations- or the cost of a 6-night Caribbean cruise.  The bigger question is, what other costs are coffee drinkers unknowingly incurring while at the mercy of baristas?

  • Living Large:  92% of specialty coffee drinkers feel that beverages at coffee shops are overpriced.
  • Beware the Barista: 1 in 3 specialty coffee drinkers have gotten an eye roll from a barista just for making a special request in their order.  Is this really how you want to start your day?
  • How Sweet It Is? 2 out of 5 coffee drinkers incorrectly think that a cupcake has more calories than their specialty café drink.
  • Not-So-Speedy Service: On average, specialty coffee drinkers are spending 7 minutes per day in line waiting for their drinks – or 2,555 minutes per year. That’s almost 2 entire days each year spent looking at the back of a stranger’s head!
  • Give him a break!  With his radio show, American Idol, E! News hosting gig and running the world (we think), Ryan Seacrest is the most deserving of a coffee break in the eyes of caffeinated Americans.  Raising a small army at home earned Brad Pitt second place.


*Survey stats on behalf of Nescafé Memento (February 2012) 

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