Best Practice Tips in Social Media and Health Care


Did you know that 80% of the general public search for healthcare providers on the Internet?

With millions of people engaged in social networking sites today, it’s important that health care providers are online marketing the right way to their community.

Here are some tips:

Customer Service is KeySocial networking is about creating good customer service and providing your patients with valuable information to enable them to become better acquainted with their illness.  Make sure to respond to comments, inquiries and requests in a timely manner. The more you tailor your page to meeting the demands of your patients/users, the better.

Engage Your AudienceEngagement with your community is very important. Be sure to ask questions, offer your opinions and welcome conversations/feedback.  The more engaged you are with your community, the more business for you!

Post Interesting Medical Facts – Many pharmaceutical companies are posting interesting facts about their medications utilizing scientific studies to enable their consumers to become more educated about potential side effects. This is a great way to inform and become a valuable resource to your online community.

Consider Blogging -Many health care providers are turning to blogs to educate their community as well. They then share their blog or blog entry on their social networking sites to garner more visibility. Also, offer well-known or already established health care bloggers an article written specifically for their blog. Guest blogging is a great way to get added exposure. In addition, consider appearing on a Blogtalk Radio Show. This will help you build your community and increase your presence on the Internet.

Use YouTube – Many physicians are using YouTube as a way to connect and inform their community about their particular area of expertise. This medium allows the physician to relate to the patient in a more intimate and personal way – “face-to-face.”

Conduct Surveys – Use survey monkey or other free surveys online to ask your community what they want to hear and know about.  Then, use the information gathered and deliver what your community is asking for!

Remember Keywords – If you have a blog or post regularly on social networking sites, remember to use keywords so that your health organization will rise to the top of the search engines.



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