Four Trends for 2012 by Christine Presto

2012 is still fresh, new and a time to start making positive changes for your business. Below are a few simple trends that all businesses should lean towards to create a better image for themselves and for the consumers.

1. Using Less
Stop printing unnecessarily, turn off the lights when you leave a room, and stop throwing away boxes upon boxes that contained items shipped to you. Sustainability is the buzzword for this year, and companies need to take an active step in this to be seen as “responsible” to the public. Store files on your computer rather than printing and filing them away. Use motion sensors (if available) for your offices. Re-use old boxes when you need to ship items or for storage purposes. There are many small changes that can be made to create a big impact.

2. Re-connecting with People and Disconnecting from Technology
Technology is beginning to overtake our lives. We are constantly attached to our smart phones, email and computers. We spend little time having face-to-face interaction with anyone, and even a phone call can be seen as less ideal than sending an email. Unfortunately, this has become the norm for most of us. But the only real way to form strong connections with people is to have face-to-face, normal human interactions. So instead of having an hour-long conference call with the client down the street, go to their office or invite them out for coffee. This will create stronger and longer lasting relationships that will prove to be beneficial.

3. Building your Online Presence
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and many more social media sites are taking over: fact. If you have still not figured these programs out, even the basics, now is the time to. They are not going anywhere. After you develop the basic knowledge of these programs, you will be better able to connect with customers and clients, engaging them with posted content and company updates. Having these sites also create a validity of your company. Those seeking services will usually choose the company with greater social media and online presence than those lacking in all areas.

4. Listening to the Consumer
Push and pull factors are now seeing the pull overcome the push that used to dominate. Customers are asking for specific products and services, and companies need to listen. If they don’t, the consumer has a large amount of alternatives and the company will quickly lose business. So, listen to the consumer. A great way to do this is through social media – polls, customer comments and listening to product reviews are essential to creating the product the customer wants and the items that you will be able to successfully sell.

These are small changes that can make a big impact. Following these 4 trends will make you more competitive and more appealing to the customer. Good luck on the new you for 2012!


From the Guest Blogger:  Hi there! My name is Christine and I am volunteering some of my ideas, knowledge and constant learning experiences to Hilary’s HJMT blog. Being from Georgia (we were raised to entertain), I love all things involving party and event planning. I worked for a short time under an event coordinator in Atlanta, but then decided for a change to the Marketing world. I currently work for The Propel Agency (@ThePropelAgency) based in the heart of Atlanta as their Junior Client Executive. I recently graduated from the University of Georgia with a Management degree, but the Marketing world has truly peaked my interest. I am constantly digging for the next big brand, awareness campaign or social media breakthrough! Being fresh out of school, I am currently just enjoying the city life in Atlanta. It is a fast paced, non-stop environment with something to do everyday, contrary to the stereotypical Southern style. Outside of work I am an avid runner, recently completed my first marathon, baker, DIY-er and traveler. You will see from some of my posts that I absolutely love French culture, being that I studied in Paris this past summer. If you would like to talk more or discuss topics you would like me to delve further into please find my twitter account @CLP1988
I have not received any compensation for posting this content. The views expressed in this guest blog do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of HJMT. Individual links could be associated with affiliate marketing sites and through the use of affiliate links contained herein, I may collect fees from purchases made.