What’s up with Kuwait Airways?


The day before Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, an article appeared in the New York Times on Kuwait Airways decision to cancel all flights from New York to London because they didn’t want Israelis to fly on their planes.

When I read this, I was shocked!  To me, any type of discrimination no matter who it is – African-American, Muslim, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish – it’s totally unacceptable!

The article said Kuwait Airways will continue their three weekly flights between Kennedy Airport and Kuwait city because Israelis are not allowed to enter their country. The airline refused to allow any Israeli citizen on their plane but the US Transportation Department found that illegal and ordered the practice to stop. So Kuwait decided to stop all flights so that the Jewish people would take a different airline!

Really? If they discriminate against the Israelis than who is next to be banned from entering their country?

I’m just surprised that this article was buried in the paper and not brought to light so that everyone in this country be made aware.  Maybe we should all think about boycotting Kuwait and Kuwait Airways?  But, who would want to go there anyway?