Book Review: The One Week Marketing Plan by Mark Satterfield

The One Week Marketing Plan

If you have no real knowledge about how to market your business, then, The One Week Marketing Plan – The set it & forget it approach for quickly growing your business by Mark Satterfield, is a good resource for you.

Mark Satterfield talks about how to develop a drip marketing campaign.  This is something that Hubspot is known for and many people purchase their products to set up this type of campaign.

Basically, you offer something for free to your prospects. This enables you to capture their information including their email address. Then you can continuously market something that they are interested in to them on an ongoing basis to bring them down the sales cycle and ultimately,  close the sale.

In The One Week Marketing Plan Satterfield tries to say that by using this method of marketing, you will always have new leads in the pipeline.  Unfortunately, I know from experience that this is not the case.

I was a Hubspot reseller for several years and set up these types of drip marketing campaigns. They certainly increased our mailing list, but I found that most of the people were not qualified leads and just wanted “free advice.” That being said, I do think this book would be ideal for a marketing beginner.  It is well written and provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up a drip marketing campaign in five days.

There is even a chapter on pay per click and how to set up your own PPC ads in Google, Bing, Facebook and LinkedIn.

The second half of the book talks about social media and the importance of using it to draw people to your offers and to your website. He stresses the importance of Google Plus because of its connection with the search engine.

Satterfield also discusses blogs and their relevance to attracting traffic and establishing your company as the expert in your field. I like that Mark Satterfield goes into depth on how to use Search Engine Optimization and offers concrete tips and strategies. This would be helpful advice for all businesses.

I find that I’m constantly spending my days educating our clients on SEO and having these tips and strategies as another resource would be good. He also has a chapter on video, publicity and joint partnerships – all important elements of the marketing plan.

My only issue with this book was that I thought Satterfield was going to provide insight on new and different marketing techniques as opposed to the same techniques that have been around for years.

This book is not for an experienced marketer. It’s specifically geared for a beginner. Will this book help you conquer the business roller coaster ride?  Probably not.  If you own a business, there’s really no way to get off the ride unless you eventually sell the business. But, if you don’t have a marketing program in place, this book can help you attract new customers in a systematic way.

One Comment

  1. Cloris Kylie

    “If you own a business, there’s really no way to get off the ride unless you eventually sell the business” So true! There is so much information out there about how to market one’s business. Some people make it sound really easy, when in reality, there is a lot of effort one must put into it. Patience is also a must! Thank you for sharing.

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