55th Wedding Anniversary

Today is my parents, Phyllis and Herb’s 55th wedding anniversary. It’s amazing how many years they are together. My dad met my mom when my mom was 14. He was the old man at 19.

They got married very young and had their three children immediately thereafter. My mom was only 19 when she had my older sister. Crazy huh? I can’t even think about what it would have been like to have a baby at that time in my life.

All three children got married and had their own children. Now, my parents have more than a half dozen grandchildren. What a admirable legacy!

Today people struggle to be married. It is hard work,  but my folks stayed together through good and bad times and that really is a beautiful thing.

So today, please join me in wishing my parents happiness and health on their 55th Wedding Anniversary!

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  1. Emily

    Happy Anniversary wishing you many blessings, Emily

  2. Lisa

    Happy Anniversary! Love, Lisa 🙂

  3. Massfolk1

    We cant believe it’s number “55”. Having a wonderful family made the time go faster and faster. Now we have. Grandchildren the same age as when we were married. The younger ones keep us young. We love all of you, and look forward to many more adventures together. Thanks all for your good wishes.

  4. Kristie Galvani

    Happy Anniversary Phyllis and Herb!!!

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