An Automatic Car Park?

I thought I’ve seen everything until I drove into the city the other night. I decided to park my car on 24th street. I saw a sign that said “Parking” and I drove the car to the garage door, which automatically opened. I drove inside. A computer generated voice told me to get out of the car with my keys.

I made a face and said “Okay.”

I walked out and the garage door closed with my car inside. I started to get nervous. What the heck is going on here? Is this a scam?

The computer generated voice told me to put my credit card in a machine that looked like an ATM machine. I did it. I got a receipt and looked inside the garage door window. I saw my car getting lifted via conveyer belt to a spot in the garage. I was amazed. I never saw anything like it before!

When I came to collect my car I wondered how hard it would be to retrieve it. I put my ticket in the machine and was told to wait patiently. The machine said, “four minutes until your car will be here.”

I peeked into the window again and saw a lot of cars being shuffled. Then I saw my car being lifted up and placed in the same spot that I dropped it off. How cool was that?

Check out my video of the experience…

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  1. Peter

    Very cool.  24th and what Avenue?

    1. Hilary JM Topper, MPA

      It was around the corner from Baruch College, off Lexington Avenue…

  2. Anonymous

    Way cool. Drivers usually do not enjoy watching their cars doing things without them in control of the doing. Was there even a split second of you thinking: What have I done to my car ?

    1. Hilary JM Topper, MPA

      Absolutely.  I was totally freaking out!  When I got out of the car, I didn’t think I would get it back… Thankfully, when I went to retrieve it, it was all in one piece! 

  3. Steven Pofcher

    Very cool. No more scratches or dings.  Next we need Jetson type car that folds up into a light-weight briefcase.

    1. Hilary JM Topper, MPA

      Love it!  Actually, I’m waiting for a transporter like on Star Trek.  Travel is just killing me!  hahaha

  4. Steve

    interesting where on 24St?

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