QR Codes Make the Grade…

HJMT QR CodeI love how the world is changing and becoming more interactive!

The other morning, I was reading USA Today and noticed on the front cover a QR code (for those of you who do not know what a QR code is, it’s a square with boxes, squiggly lines and dots in it that you will sometimes see on advertisements and business cards).

The headline read: “See News Photos of the Day on Your Smartphone.”

I immediately got out my iPhone 4s and turned on my QR Scanner and scanned the phone over the image.  Within seconds, my phone took a snapshot of the code and was taken to the USA Today website where I saw 10 images of news photos.

One image was a police officer with a riffle shooting into a crowd.  Another image was a woman screaming during a protest.  All of the images were action oriented and quite interesting.

Having a QR code on the paper like the one in USA Today, makes me think of so many other possibilities for QR codes.  How about having QR codes in actual text books where it takes the reader to a place that the reader can actually see and explore the discussion further through pictures?

Or what about using a QR code on TV, which would take you to a further discussion on a web site or on Twitter?

I think the possibilities are endless.  However, the point is, isn’t it interesting how our society is evolving into a more dynamic interactive society?

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One Comment

  1. Tony Gallacher

    The way Today have used them, it seems has worked well. Sometimes the limited way they are used in adverts that just divert you to a promotional URL can be a bit tiresome now.

    I think there are lots of uses too for embedding vCards, SMS messages, location information and so on.

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