HuffPost Weird News’ Staff Writer Gets More Facebook Fans By Being Creative

  -------------------------------- David Moye is a Staff Writer for the HuffPost Weird News. He told me that the company wanted him to take advantage of the subscribe button to connect with readers. David was the first one in his vertical to do so and now he has subscribers all over...

Double Booking a Business Meeting…

I met Mike Stafford of Farrell Fritz, PC online.  He and I are connected via LinkedIn. He sent me a note telling me that he used to work at Ruder Finn/PR and wanted to know if we could meet up to network. I agreed.  I love connecting with different people!...

Book Review: Get Seen – Online Video Secrets To Building Your Business

With more than 300 million people having accounts on YouTube, with the emergence of the Internet and social media, video is hotter than ever before. There are more than 120 million videos on YouTube and that’s only one of many popular video-sharing sites, so you can just imagine how many...

Do You Have A Social Media Plan In Place?

Having a social media strategy in place is more important today than ever before because most businesses have a presence on social networking sites. There are billions of people worldwide who have a Facebook pages and Twitter. These are just two social networking sites. Growth is enormous on most of...